Bicycle Boy | 5-28 | Updates every Friday
Posted September 29, 2017 at 7:18 pm

A more simplistic page this time around.

Somebody, please, help this poor man sleep.

We're nearly at the end of this chapter. It was a nice short one for a change! For any new readers out there, that means the comic will soon go on a short hiatus while I build up the buffer back to something substantial for the first bit of Chapter 6. But not yet!

There's a couple of things happening that I want to tell you. I was offered a comic job that might keep me busy for a little while, but I'm still sorting out the details. I will keep you posted. And, when Chapter 6 starts, it's likely the comic will switch to greyscale, and then I'll go back and color it when I make a print version. I've got a lot of cool & horrible stuff planned for this one, and I'm so eager to share it with you! I'm tired of making you wait so long to see where this story goes. It's time to step up the pace a little. 

Finally, later this year I want to try printing the first volume of the comic for real! It needs a ton of color correcting, and I need to find a reputable printer. Preferably Canadian. I've asked around lots, but really I just need to hunker down and interrogate all these places myself! But if any of you have any advice/personal experience with printers, please let me know. 

Much love,


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