Bicycle Boy | 6-5 | Updates every Friday
Posted January 12, 2018 at 7:26 pm

The dialogue on this page reads a little better with the previous page as context.

Some new people joined my patreon recently, so in no particular order, I’d like to send out a BIG thank you to: Rocket, Bengt, Nec, Tyler, Taz, Karyl, Jonas, Lief, Shan, Asmodeus, Fiona, Lachi, Spiral, Chima, Desirée, Kouroth, Alia, Toherrys, Utzsar, Josh, and Umi. You ROCK my SOCKS.

And another big thank you to whoever else is reading this--for reading Bicycle Boy, for telling your buddies, and just for being such supportive, chill, good people. I consider myself very lucky to get to tell this story to you guys.



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