Bicycle Boy | 2-51 | Updates every Friday
Posted July 3, 2014 at 3:07 pm

And that's a wrap!
Thus bringing us to the end of Chapter 2.

Bicycle Boy will go on a 1 month hiatus while I rebuild my page buffer.

I am also, a bit regrettably, changing the update schedule to 1 page a week for a while. It's going to update on Fridays only for a while until my living situation is a little more stable.
but the pages will keep coming, I promise. I haven't missed an update yet.

Until the updates resume again, why not drop a question to me or one of the characters in THE OFFICIAL BLOG'S ASKBOX

Feel free to look at all the other Bicycle Boy-related artwork and concept art in MY DEVIANTART GALLERY, if you haven't seen that yet.

Also, check out these six new pieces of fan art by ECMHAPYCOWDOODSTORMERDAIZARINCIGAR-BLUES, and SPACE-AGED. Thank you so much, you guys! (click to see the full images):

Lastly, have a great summer. Updates will resume on August 1st.

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