Bicycle Boy | 3-40 | Updates every Friday
Posted May 1, 2015 at 4:41 pm

I'm very happy with this page.

I've devised a new (old) way to draw my linework, so that it's cleaner, slower to draw, and easier on my hands. It's similar to how I drew my early pages. I colored these past three pages in two days! :') And even drew them consecutively one day after the other. I haven't been able to work this efficiently without hurting myself in a long time.

To all you other artists, just keep working at your artwork and you'll make something great. Even if you have a period of time where you can't draw (like I just did), you can bounce back. Determination is everything. Remember to treat yourself right and put your health first. You got this.

And to the rest of you, thank you kindly for reading my humble comic on my little corner of the web. You rock.

Be sure to check out these gorgeous new pieces of fan art. The first is by TEN PENNY OFFICER, which I was lucky to get as a request, and the second is a modern AU of Machk & Poet by NECROGEAR. Thank you, guys!


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