Bicycle Boy | 3-64 | Updates every Friday
Posted October 23, 2015 at 5:15 pm

I'm really happy with how the last panel turned out. Sooo many beat up babes. *_*

There's still an awful lot of talking to go in this scene. HUP. HERE WE GO. LET'S DO THIS.

And I'm gonna pimp Karyl's book again. 

One of your fellow readers, Karyl Lee, has just finished illustrating an adorable children's book that she is trying to get printed.


If you or anyone you know could contribute to her PRINTING CAMPAIGN, I know she'd appreciate it.

"Sophie, Circus Mouse" is the culmination of a dream of the last 30 years!
The author, Ben Wisner, told this story in its original form to his daughter Gabi, when she was 7. With the aid of artist Karyl Lee, the book will now be handed down to her son, Kiran, who is Ben's first grandchild.
You can help us make this beautiful book into a library offering, or place it in the hands of your own grandchild/children and create a sharing legacy."

Thanks again!

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