Bicycle Boy | 3-77 | Updates every Friday
Posted January 29, 2016 at 5:34 pm

Poet is overjoyed with this new information!

And that wraps up Chapter 3.

Thank you everyone for your feedback, your support, and most of all for bothering to read my silly comic in the first place. 

As is customary for the end of every chapter, Bicycle Boy will now go on hiatus for 6 weeks while I rebuild my buffer. 

I think the last time I did this was over a year ago! 

Updates will resume Friday March 11, 2016.

In the meantime, somebody, tell me how TVtropes works! My comic's PAGE is small in unloved. 

If you missed it, be sure to take a look (and laugh) at me being interviewed by Josh Storrs at his blog, SLEEP IN STRANGE PLACES.

There are a couple of pieces that were added to the fan art section, too. A windswept Poet drawn by T_DEINES and an old bday gift from NICCIILLUSTRATES. Be sure to check out their FANTASTIC comics, 2-SIDED CASSETTE and ILLUSORY.

Thank you for sticking around, everyone. I hope this cliffhanger isn't too frustrating. ;)

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