Bicycle Boy | 6-37 | Updates every Friday
Posted September 7, 2018 at 1:01 am

Hello and welcome to the new Bicycle Boy website! Please make yourselves comfortable. :-)

Here is a short list of the changes:

  • There is a brand new cast page, with some of Skip's secret info on the characters
  • The fan art page is now a lightroom gallery, which is much easier to scroll through
  • There is a thank you page listing all the current and previous patron's names
  • A bunch of new fantastic webcomics were added to the links page
  • The comment system is now Disqus-only, which requires no account to comment.
  • You can still use the arrow keys to advance to the next/previous page.

That's all for now. I'm excited and humbled to join Hiveworks forreal, there's so many fantastic comics here! ;_;

Big time thank you to Isa, Kevin, Corny, and Erin for helping me get everything set up. Thank you to my lovely patrons Adam, Alia, Anders, Asmodeus, Bengt, Desirée, Erik, Fiona, Garth, Hanna, Jonas, Karyl, Kouroth, Lachi, Lief, Utzsar, Mel, Nec, Nuke, Rocket, Shan, Taz, Toherrys, Umi, and Zoe for your generosity and support, and thank you to everyone else for reading the comic. That means a whole lot to me. You guys are the best.

Keep on rockin',


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