Bicycle Boy | 8-72 | Updates every Friday
Posted May 13, 2022 at 1:00 am

I loved drawing this page. ;_;

In the spirit of this more lighthearted scene, I'd like to direct you to my friend regentzilla and his brand new webcomic, Sugar High!

If you are in the mood for a homely, slice of life/coming of age story about queer friendship, please check this one out. The prologue follows young Daisuke as his father introduces him (and you, dear reader) to the gorgeously illustrated town they're living in. The characters are so damn charming. Sugar High has been in the making for 10 years, and each page is boldly crafted with a blend of vibrant traditional mediums I can barely grasp. I don't know how he does it.

Look at this adorable cameo of teen Machk & Poet. Weird to see him with ears, eh?

Please share this one to your friends if you know of anyone who might enjoy a more light-hearted tale like this. :D Sorry to say that BB will not be offering any of that any time soon, haha.

Thanks for reading,


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