Bicycle Boy | 9-73 | Updates every Friday
Posted February 9, 2024 at 1:00 am

Not a fan of torture scenes? CLICK HERE to skip ahead.

Fair warning, this scene is about to get...uh.... real bad. If this flavor isn't to your tastes, you may want to skip updates until– *checks notes* –March 22.

I am happy to announce the winners of the first BB fanworks contest by popular vote:


1ST PLACE: Poet does the Akira Slide by bonfire-beret

2ND PLACE: Plasticine Poet by Shakura Kazuki

3RD PLACE: sorry we didn't talk more by aardrick


1ST PLACE (by default): Desert Beacon by Shakura Kazuki

Honorable mention goes to...all the rest of you! Everyone put so much love and time into such beautiful works. ;~; Thank you so much. I was expecting, like, 4 or 5 entries lol. My socks are blown clean off. Winners, please email me or message me on discord for your prizes.

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