Bicycle Boy | 3-54 | Updates every Friday
Posted August 7, 2015 at 5:00 pm

EDIT 08/13/15: I regretfully could not finish a page this week, so my apologies! I'm couch-hoppin' & living in a car right now as we search for aplace to stay. Everything's alright, and the comic will update next week! I am truly sorry. Let this be known as the first time I've missed an update in two years! In the meantime, there are a couple of new bios on THE CAST PAGE for Darla & Alsoomse, and a new promo piece on THE BICYCLE BOY BLOG. Thank you all for reading, and most of all for being so patient. See you next friday!

Finished this one last minute! My buffer disappeared in the midst of getting home from my road trip.

In Ontario, nearly 4000km from home, our RV finally gave up on life and busted in the middle of nowhere. But luck allowed us to drive it 100km back to town. The whole way it went CHUNGA CHUNGA CLUNK BANG WHUD like some kind of MONSTER, but we made it to a mechanic shop. If we could afford the repair, we'd do it. If not, we weren't sure.

$3500. The engine was busted! The mechanic said we'd be better off buying a whole new unit for that much than repairing it. Duh. When we explained that we were stranded, the mechanic let us stay at his shop until we sorted ourselves out. Gave us electricity for the RV, let us use their shower, and one employee kept offering us food because he thought we were starvin'. They were so fucking nice.

So we shipped back 4 boxes of stuff we didn't want to lose with a greyhound (protip: don't bring your whole house with you on a roadtrip). That consisted of like 80% clothes, and the rest was books, some choice kitchen items, & a bunch of other random shit.

Then I put up an ad for a rideshare home from Ontario to BC, or Ontario to anywhere closer to BC. AS LUCK WOULD HAVE IT, only ONE HOUR later I got a message from someone who had just canceled on this very trip with someone, and was trying to fill the seat he left. I contacted the driver and he was pretty bummed out because 6+ people had bailed on him in a row, and he was a little apprehensive. But eventually he agreed to take us and another person, and we met up a couple days later.

He was Trevor and he was driving a big fucking truck pulling a 20ft trailer and the first thing his passenger (Sarah) did was step out the truck and give my partner & I a hug. Good vibes all around. And so we roadtrip'd back with a coupla awesome hippies. We went swimming, I learned some cooking stuff, we traded artwork for handmade jewelry from Sarah, told stories, traded music and chilled. We got home in 6 days.

I'm staying with my friend Blunky right now and we just bought a car. Now lookin' for somewhere to live, and feeling really good about it all. I'll try my best to get another page out for next week! 

Wish us luck, and thank you for reading!

- Jack

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