Bicycle Boy | 4-45 | Updates every Friday
Posted January 13, 2017 at 6:40 pm

With another beautifully drawn pup by Umbrulla, that marks the end of Chapter 4!

According to tradition, this is when I go on a short break to rebuild my comic buffer. Sometime last year I totally depleted it so I've been drawing BB pages the week-of-upload for a while now. I've been really looking forward to this! Bicycle Boy will now go on hiatus for 2 months. I know it'll be quiet around here for you guys, but I'll be drawing pages the whole time. For those of you that follow me on Patreon, I will continue to post monthly drawings + extras, and hold public polls for which character y'all want to see get beat up.

Updates will resume Friday March 10, 2017.

I'm pretty stoked that we've even made it this far. I intend to see this comic through to the end, but, you know. These scenes that I finally get to draw have been nothing more than script for years! It's pretty exciting! :D

I'd say, at this point, we're roughly 1/3 of the way through the story. It only took 198 pages to get here, that's not so bad.

I'd like to give a big thank you and round of applause to my beautiful, generous patrons, some of which have been supporting me for the whole 9 months since I set it up! You guys are AMAZING! In no particular order, thank you to Rocket, Chima, Ayme, Lachi, Taz, Nec, Utzsar, Bengt, Jonas, Josh, Dan, Karyl, Asmodeus, Erin, Richard, and Toherrys!!! I can't believe there's really 16 of you! I'm honored and humbled by your support.

And another big thank you to all of you out there, who come here to read, enjoy, speculate, comment, and those of you who share BB with your friends, and everything else. You're all just so amazing. This story would be nothing without you guys.

Check out the fan art page for some more pretty BB-related things my friends and other folks have drawn! Big thank you to T_Deines, Anthegran, Madam Utzsar, Bloombeard, Blunky, and LateNightOwl.

Looks like Darla gets beat up this month for our poll. Thanks for voting, everyone!

I appreciate the heck out of you guys. Keep on rockin'.

- Jack

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